I would say support, but i'm saying neutral since i don't really know you or see you around, but you sound like you would be an excellent...
Midnight you're toxic, fake, a liar, a backstabber, and i don't think i'll go on. Like another person said, if you joined the staff team, until...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: _bleach The offender's exact ingame name: GucciN3RD A...
No support.
Would you rather be stabbed in places that wont kill you or be shot in places that wont kill you
Neutral. Leaning towards support. There are some mods who ban for different amounts of time for the same offense.
All these people with money.. :(
Too poor
Dell optiplex 980: Intel Core i5 650 Nvdia gtx710 Keyboard: Razer blackwidow ultimate 2016 Mouse: Razer deathadder elite Headset: Bengoo g9000...
Congrats @Dumpling!
For anyone who cares, my ign: _bleach. Yeah so what happened to the 45$ store money someone was going to win? Staff said it would be announced on...
Support. But what about the other people who have wanted this and still spent quite a bit of money on a rank (Mvp Elite etc)?
We barely ever have time to start recording before they chase us down, kill us, and toggle.
Ah kk
Support! One question. I saw you today and you had no rank..?
Suggestion: 1st ban: 31 days 2nd ban: 2 months 3rd ban: Perm.