I wonder about this: when would the voting crate become fixed?
IGN: Creepersteam Offender's Name: Lord_Nefastus Rule (s) broken: Advertising Evidence: [ATTACH]
IGN: Creepersteam Offender's Name: saisaihero Rule (s) broken: Advertising Evidence: [ATTACH]
Goodbye :( It's sad to see you go :(
Congrats, my friend :) Welcome back!
There's goes the downgrading.... *cough*tehbeatles*cough*
No support. You just joined, lack of info, and the IG Name.... when you say i8yomama, you're literally saying ," I ate your mom." Ain't that creepy.
I'm a non-donor.... :facepalm: [EDIT] Changing the title to make it a bit more-in-general about what rank I'm buying
Not bad.... not bad.... time to find someone kind-of interested....
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this. So... like the title says: I'm buying MvP. So currently, I'm a non-donor, but I do have these...
Yeah... you can't really ask for a refund, because then it will become considered as chargeback, and you can and maybe will become banned for it,...
I had a HUMONGOUS plot. Just resetted it a day ago, because I got bored. :P
So beautiful... it hurts my eyes ;-; no support, nub : P
Eating fried bananas... how sweet and tasty :P
No support. The downgrading is still in the air, and I cannot trust you anymore. Also, you need to stay on one mod app, and not spam mod apps....
Found out why... authentication servers are down.... that's why we can't get on...
Some random old mouse from 2001...
Well... no... I don't have further evidence. I guess I misunderstood the point of "advertising." I guess this is invalid. My bad.
In-game Name: Creepersteam Offender's Name: winstoncohrssen Rule(s) broken: Advertising a server Evidence: [ATTACH]