I support 100% Im glad a good moderator like you is coming back. I just hope now Blueberry comes back. i miss his </3
M00 STAY <3 :'(
God_uf_inp13 close enough
can this get answered
Sorry to post but i agree with lola you were lagging so u werent getting hits on him so its hard to tell and im known krishy for a while and he...
I started at mineverse.com never played skyblock.net. first gamemode played Factions than I got in to kitpvp and loved it than I got into prison...
Full support here man u would make a perfect guard
if you look towards the end when he respawned it looks like DeluxeFTW99 is hacking cause as soon a he spawned he started hitting. just pointing...
Hey i was just thinking why dont i ask people who their bestfriend is and how they met and why that person is your bestfriend. My bestfriend...
Top 5 No order @treelegs @Nickwongold @Pile_of_Butts @skyerainbow @purifiedbws
Sorry man dont tag mods
I just wanna say Hello and good morning to all of mineverse.com <3 <(')
We understand that. But the question is. Why did you stoop to his level knowing that you could get lobby banned just as well as him? If you knew...
Its ok man. I had proof so i didnt care cause i had proof. But yea im not friends with him no more