Not to burst your bubble but there no real proof. Just because he said he wasnt going to kill you doesnt mean its a scam. You fell for it, so its...
Your ingame name: God_Of_PvP14 The offender's ingame name: Hayden97 Turbobig A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
Ign: God_of_PvP14 Game mode banned on: Prison Link to accepted appeal:...
Can u make me a new skin and put the fox hat on it?
Can u feel it now Mr.Merks xD
Id like one please and thank you can you make me a skin. ign God_Of_PvP14
Your ingame name: God_Of_PvP14 The offender's ingame name: Paulainmo A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacks kill aura...
Well guys i have a concussion and im out off football for a while D: im mad
I was thinking, well if you had a map reset on factions you could have more people who love factions join the server. No one likes a factions that...
80% support because u should add more color and spacing to make it clear of which goes where
this screenshot was caught by nickwongold and he asked me to report for him
Your ingame name: Nickwongold The offender's ingame name: xxxbjankillerxx and jkipod A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
@Pile_of_Butts @treelegs @Ajnh17113 @Nickwongold
@treelegs My best friend to the end @Ajnh17113 funny dude fun times we have @Nickwongold Bae for life <3 @Pile_of_Butts OMG i dont even know....
No support you suck. :D i kid i kid SUPPORT
Your ingame name: God_Of_PvP14 The offender's ingame name DoctorDistructo A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Kill aura...
Sorry bud i dont ddos
1. What is your ingame name - God_Of_PvP14 2. What is you ingame rank( Donor ) - Elite 3. Do you have a skype? (If so , list it for us to contact...
1. In game name:God_Of_PvP14 2. Rank:Elite 3. How good are u at pvp from a scale from 1-100: 70 4. Do you have skype: You have it 5. Why do u want...