@Noobcrew Support. The problem with this though is that without maintenance and frequent updates, it will die again which is why we also need to...
No support
Why did you reopen Minetime? It barely gets 10 players at the best of times.
You're talking about toxicity, but when someone tries to criticize the staff team in any way, their comments will be deleted and posts will be...
Infection maps
bRinG bAcK pRisOn!! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] You hate to see it :(
Thanks everyone for the support. Let's see what happens today when they announce the September competition
The difference is that my ones were deleted when I did it Gg
Bumping. This must always be on top.
If only staff put as much effort into the server as this thread. Joking GG
11 The last stand
26 It's not over yet
87 If this gets down to zero then you need to make an Infection map comp. @Noobcrew @i_am_youtuber Watch this go up now
93 Infection map comp
100 We must act quickly
The simp side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be... unnatural.
164 the reinforcements are coming
Guess the pfp