boomp (lettersss)
BUUUUMP also read a reply posted by @Alan
I dunt want my compooper hacked ;-; NU SUPPORT
21 (stuffffffffff)
my ign:cakepvpinq his ign:Wbcpvp_123 Doing stuff in chat [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
In Game Name:cakepvpinq Maturity (1-10):5ish Do you have TeamSpeak/Skype:nope Timezone:AEST utc+11 Donator Rank (VIP / MVP / etc..):Titan Age:um...
my ign:cakepvpinq his ign:Jake_GT34 calling me a [bleep] and other stuff [ATTACH]
my ign:nohaxjustchuck his ign:davids12120 death threats. [ATTACH]
np fadie
My ign:nohaxjustchuck his ign:Quriix I cant really explain but he was being rude to us and then he hurt xfadinq_'s feelings by laughing at the...
Aww thats sad +1 cookie for you enjoy!!
my ign:chuck657 his ign:MagicRyo Magic has been a raider on skygrid for a while. He uses alts to befriend other players then tends to raid their...
IGN: NoHaxJustChuck Why do you want the cape? I need a cape to make me 100% sweg
IGN Chuck657 Age 11 Skill (1-10) 8.1 How active are you? I am very active in australian timezone. sometimes I dont even have a life ;-; Why do you...
IGN:NoHaxJustChuck Age:11 ;-; Donor Rank (if any) Titan Skill (1-10) 8.1 Why do you want to join Togglers? I want to join because my friends are...
zero 0 :> (letters)
my ign: chuck657 his ign: MC_CRAFTERx2 deathwarp [MEDIA]