Bloody hell hate the tbh tred with clickbait titles now... I thought this was one of them... Sorry to see you go man, and good luck with the...
@kinsey_kid we should preform a duet @Kyra @Mvdi
LOL yes and no
cos DiggyVEVO is me
.... no
Boom, mic drop ^
You're weak then <3
congrats?? idk if you were promoted today or were always a mod lmao RIP Edit: I have scrolled down and read the other comments... CONGRATSSS
you look sassy af in this pic tf
ayeeeeeeee congrats mateeeee
... yes
@Herf dw man we friendssss
@Herf lmao somebody's salty that I have friends
lmao will do, and dw @Kyra I wear a hearing aid so my ears can't even bleed lmao
<3 Actually wanna sing w you guys though
Sorry, that's Brett's job ;-; would love to though
oh, huh... Someone voted for me yesterday.
Peter + MJ
higkey sad you didn't join the call last night