No..I did /ci before I crashed the first time guessing it was a death item..Then I came back on a 2nd time and typed "hi" then I crashed
Anytime i get onto Creative I crash! When I get into OP I don't..Its only Creative!
U can be my frand!
haiii pile. Is it bad I kinda fangirled when I saw u in the lobby a while back ago? xD
Um I barley have any so @Comrade91 @minecraftchic333 Bubbareed511 @Miner_Mini Idk who else
I re-read my application and I saw that I did indeed for got some details.
How old are you? 13 Your in-game name: Livy_the_Great What timezone are you in? Eastern What country do you live in? America What languages do...
Why is it red?
I get overwhelmed easily
:asshat:Wow.. I must of miss ALOT..
Why would you buy a rank just for /me? Like you can all ready get seen for a colorful name!
banned for being elsa
Banned for having a Miley Cyrus video..>.<
Hi! :3
You should screenshot it so its proof..
Um..Thats why we want to take it out -.-
A couple more...Getting out of hand..:confused:
Some may include cuss words -.-