I personally think that all users should have an account deactivation option somewhere in their settings
Isn't @WolfWhispers amazing ;D (Her vote doesn't count)
Gmang101 http://imgur.com/DcQycBp,LSX77s7,9LoriGK look at all pics btw
manuel2303 [ATTACH]
nvm lmao
So I guess this is a new rule? Idfk. I don't think any one has perms on GTA, but meh. For later I guess. madisonjr Bad names [ATTACH]
BurningDesire Aviators ??? No idea if this is against the rules or not. :P [ATTACH]
I don't remember who tagged me for this but okay (I think it was GuyLover and like one other person). 1. Real name: Madison. 2. Nickname: Madi,...
BurningDesire. rasio301, Dannyboy_13. Adversiting, auction scamming. OP PvP http://gyazo.com/1528a991b7c3bddb395e622f28862108...
@Feurin made me do this. In-real life name: Madison. Current age? 13. Country/State? Arizona, USA. What are you currently wearing? Pajama pants...
I was forced to do this also. This isn't a "TBH" thread, so if you ask me what I think of you, I will ignore it. If you want to know my honest...
Okay ya'll know what to do. :P I was forced to do this I'm sorry.
Reporter's IGN: Trubblez Offender's IGN: xXEliteStrikezXx Offense: Hacking [MEDIA] [Spoiler]
Your IGN: ItzMadi Offender's IGN: carm1219 Rule broken: Advertised a death warp Gamemode(s) this occurred on: Skyblock Proof: [MEDIA]...
Your IGN: ItzMadi Offender's IGN: Abbott101 Rule broken: Advertised a death warp Gamemode(s) this occurred on: SkyBlock Proof: [MEDIA] [ATTACH]
Your IGN: ItzMadi. Offender's IGN: marcushamburger, Kayla6754. Rule broken: Tried to make a death warp Gamemode(s) this occurred on: Skyblock...
Your IGN: ItzMadi Offender's IGN: MajesticSlayer55 Rule broken: They scammed me Gamemode(s) this occurred on: KitPVP and Skyblock Proof:...
ItzMadi I_So_SekC Tp trap [ATTACH] (Shows him telling us to tp, me tping to him, and me being teleported to the void)
ItzMadi Spikeman123 Death warp (Don't have a recorder on this pc as I'm not allowed to get one. ;-;) [Spoiler]