Mvdi PD_LEDER Hacking [MEDIA]
Awhile back, I decided to start this 'island selling business', where I built islands for people based on requests or just my own ideas, and then...
Mvdi ChocolutPlays Scamming. He said publicly in chat that he was selling 'his' account for $1000 on Skyblock. So, I paid him the money and he...
Mvdi CraftLogician Advertising [ATTACH]
Mvdi Salamanteri_FIN Advertising [ATTACH]
Mvdi OsoMiner Hacking [MEDIA]
Mvdi purplecat1 Scam attempt [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [MEDIA]
Mvdi Vex1264 Hacking [MEDIA]
Mvdi WiiDplayer Advertising [ATTACH]
Mvdi Dreamplay Hacking [MEDIA]
Mhm- I don't like leaving threads either, but mehhh. I have lost all interest in Mineverse, and Minecraft in general, which is why I am leaving...
So, as of yesterday, I have been able to change my IGN (finally) from x_MadiPVP_HD_x. However, I do not know what to change it to. I have been...
x_MadiPVP_HD_x See screenshots (may be more that I didn't see/capture) Offensive/Racist Remarks
x_MadiPVP_HD_x Lapis_Firestarter Inappropriate language
x_MadiPVP_HD_x 7CoolAssassin Hacks [MEDIA]
x_MadiPVP_HD_x InfaByte, InfaBite Fly hacks [MEDIA]
x_MadiPVP_HD_x Zentoro_ Advertising
x_MadiPVP_HD_x CraftySteve01 Hacks [MEDIA]
x_MadiPVP_HD_x Dizay_, MCmadmadness Advertising
x_MadiPVP_HD_x sonsofanarchy, HeyItzThatOneKid, CountryGirl_ Inappropriate language [In the last screenshot, KBIKOK is...