These are the cords if you want to check it out for youself
and yes, I support
I made some new changes [ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] to the left house, and awesomedude made another...
I slightly support. Reset would be cool, cause they can fix p8-10 and get rid of slime camping. On the other hand, if they nerf p6 and p7 so when...
no support
Yes, why?
I love building in creative, and I've always wanted to see builds by other people! Just post some pics of your own creative plots down below and...
Not bad, i would change some of the hiding spots so you can only get into them with the redstone torches but overall pretty good
My ign: Rellek500 Offenders ign: safawassim What they did: inappropriate behavior that hurts my feelings D: Pics:[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
My Ign: Rellek500 Offender's Ign: safawassim What they did: Over use of inappropriate behavior Pics:[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Monstercat all day everyday...
This one gets me pumped up when Im playing infection :I [media]
I just love this song xD [media]
Oooh I get it now. Much more clear lol
There's no need for the reports if Slimes/Magma Cubes are gotten rid of completely.
yea idk how to give it to you though...
OK, here's number 1: Any donor either Elite or above is pretty much immortal to everyone playing, even other High Rank players as an OP zombie....
So I egg more than 3 times. I believe that the new rule is very UN-biased to all prestige 6's and 7's and I think it should be removed.