Aww ya Master's Tournament!!! Go Jordan Spieth! lol
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Congrats to Nightfire!!!
I don't have steam or twitter. I need to get popular. lol
Can any mods check my report on a player...?
My ign; Rellek500 Offender's ign: HidinInTheShadow What they did: First off he started saying I suck d***, so I then killed him for it. He then...
Support cray totes bumps sooper random stuff. But support
What does TnT have to do with 'hardcore' anyway? Is it like to op? If this is supposed to be like a vanilla factions, then it seems obvious you...
Nioce. Sounds better like that
... HCFactions sounds kinda lame without that...
No but I've played on a strictly vanilla server before, which is basically the same thing.
Exactly. You would have to get to the faction home by running first, but once you get there you can do /f home
Support. I think it should there should be no tp, because that would ruin part of the 'vanilla' part of the gamemode. Remember that you can't...
Just got a new laptop... now nothings works. D: Stupid Windows 8 is the worst
Sup and Welcome
Omg when you accidentally hit play on your dubstep soundtrack and your volume is at 100%...
Support Bro <3
You can be my friend if you come on Infection <3
Bumpidy bump
I have added an abandon mine to the volcano, which has some parkour and some more hiding spots ;)