Hi Jonkeh I'm glad to see that you took the time to try your chance to became a Moderator. Personally, you know that we had bad vibes in the past...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SM0GX The offender's exact ingame name: Hardy_Apple A...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SM0GX The offender's exact ingame name: taskbarcheck A...
No support -Not active on the discord -Not active on the forum I think you got banned recently or something but I might be wrong. I think you...
I think I can trust in you so I'll change to support when you will be more active everywhere :)
Thank you Pitato ! Im not french but Canadian but your right that my main language is French. I'll keep working hard to improve my english :) Have...
Crazy support !
I totally understand your opinion but I don't think most people won't troll with this pluggin. Someone could already troll a staff by using the...
Support +Extremly active on discord +Active IN-GAME +Super nice +Great application Keep up the good work my friend ! Love you :)
Neutral / No support -Not really active IN-GAME | Op/Kit -Not active on discord -Stated above by @mattenphew I hope you will try to be more...
Great idea
Big Support, I don't know why didn't we tought about that before !
No support, potions are easy to access for new players and pot pvp wouldn't be nice in my opinion.
Tuber cute
There's no point to talk abou that here if you to talk about that again msg me on discord please.
Hi Snow, what word I use in VC when im with some friends and if I demote someone of my own discord is not something related to Mineverse and my...
Alright I already looked at first episode of death note, I think I'll keep looking at it.
Nah I disagree that would be too diffucult, they should just remove the glass and make it deeper