:o you got me there, I made a new sc but I sometimes go on my old one but I’ll add you now <3
Been 4 years and still remember the first day you introduced me to the ‘club’ :(
for sure, can't believe you haven't messaged me on sc!!
i miss u :(
No support, reasons stated above
support babes xoxo
What’s the point in recording the hackers when they have unlimited nfa alts, the only way to reduce hackers is to get a better anticheat
o: 100% support you’ll be the best mod (sorry @GbDuck :3)
I forgot to say this in game earlier but it’s good to have you back max
Support Jim(if it’s okay if I can call you Jim aswell)
if you win a tnt run game then i will agree :d
Hey look it’s me! :O
Same here aha
happy late birthday u melon
Well long time since I’ve seen you on forums aha message me when you see this
Just charge back
okay hurt my brain :o
Sparky is mean, just had to put it out there