Thanks NoobCrew! I'll make sure to enjoy this server
i love youuuuuuu keep up the great work, we are all supporting you next: infection
buy watchdog
lmao my observation was that people said you were a bad staff member who overreacted to everything and didn't know how to handle situations. i...
people don't lie and it seemed like you were quite a bad mod therefore i don't support you being staff again I don't have to see you do "extreme"...
the fact that you don't answer a simple question like that makes me want to give you no support NO SUPPORT Reasons stated above, you seem...
nice quote
It wouldn't make sense to add bedwars until we have a really big playerbase because there wouldn't be enough players to fill a single game. Let's...
80.. ...
60. .. ....
Bumping! Please fix this @Noobcrew
Although I'm happy with Noobcrew trying to bring back Infection, we can pretty much guess what will happen when it's added back if we look at how...
I think we should only consider this if we get enough members so that the game actually gets filled. If we add it while the player base is still...
i can tell
Please fix the sign on level 6 that changes you to level 7. It is broken and the players can't progress further.
"Comparatively intellectual orations" lol
I'm so glad that you are listening and responding to the community! I think all of your plans are fantastic, and I agree that we should work on...
man, you are butthurt. I suggest that you go here.