If it’s just that I’m gonna cry
Server is offline for “Updates” what are the updates? Anyone know? @Noobcrew @xBMAN @PiLe Mod can delete this now :) @Scorv
Even if they reset the server it’d be the same story, for a couple months, everyone plays, then people slowly stop playing till we are back to...
Server most likely won’t be resseting any time soon, end should be resseting soon (at least I hope)
Survival best base is to me lol
actually if they updated it and then expanded the boarder, the new chunks would be 1.13 I believe, but that still sucks.
Not yet at least right? Idk about you but I still have goals.
simple poll, yes or no. Should survival reset on 1.13? Not that it will happen and I’ll probably be quitting by then. But I think no, it should...
They are only a problem in spawn I guess, they don’t bother me much at my base. I can support getting rid of them at spawn, but not support in...
Can we get top voters of June please?
Some survival issues... oh and DEATH TO THE PARROTS AT SPAWN! https://www.mineverse.com/threads/a-couple-minor-things-for-survival.141055/
You need to move the parents away from ANY animals during breeding. If you have 3-4 of the same animal it wont work I believe. For example...
No thanks, I prefer vanilla survival to stay vanilla. If they should add or fix anything, it’s the bugs and stuff they took out of survival. Like...
Last season it was bunnies... Now its...
Never mind I guess I don't have the normal screenshot. The only other one I have is the same picture zoomed in without the circle.
K once I get on my computer I’ll send you the regular picture.
Yes but you wouldn’t be able to see the chat, the picture is just zoomed in to make it easier to see.
To make it simple... either crates or crate keys need a buff on survival. To a new player, voter keys and common keys seem like a fair and...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: I_Am_Dizzy The offender's exact ingame name: dropevela...
I would say let there be a cooldown for it (like 4 minutes) but there is a penalty for /heal. If you /heal yourself or someone else, it takes off...