I know I don’t really have a place to ask this but since I got your attention, after factions look to bring back infection and then reset survival...
Can you give us a release date before you release factions so we are prepared for it? Otherwise whoever is just lucky enough to be online will get...
I can predict what you’ll say next “Would you like to build a map for a server I’m working on?”
Alright thanks ma dude, I’d make it anywhere from 4-8
36 TNT to blow up one obsidian... I hope obsidian costs like 50k per piece or something stupid like that cause that’s absolutely retarded. Just...
Kind is just random thought but Is it just me or is Survival and Oppvp the only gamemodes left alive?
There already is a poll, and the only people who say it should come back are the titans who payed the money for it and the people who don’t know...
No if that command comes back, survival will be broken, period. No opinions needed
Sorry I just saw a post on the suggestions page about survival saying /Enchant should come back and I just had to make this cause it looked like a...
For anyone who supports /enchant, /vanish, and /god to come back... needs a good slap in the face. /enchant broke the economy because titans could...
Ok so I tested it and it kinda works a little better than before. The white sheep in the screenshot bred perfectly fine cause they were away from...
@Noobcrew @xBMAN @PiLe @CypriotMerks Y’all got the authority, let’s make some stuff happen.
1.13 and 1.12 kind of glitched squids in survival so that instead of large groups of squids spawning (3-8) only small numbers of squids spawn...
Yeah but there was still a balcap and then the next day it got removed for the second time lol.
Turns out there is still a balcap on survival set at 19,999,999.99$... I would know cause last night I tried to hit 20 million but I guess I cant,...
Since I have the bright pink rank Elite.... GUESS IM A MODERATOR NOW!!!! Survival you better watch out lol
These have been in the suggestions multiple times
Lol it’s not op at all. I find it very enjoyable to play and I am the most op on there (not to brag)
Things to do -Add back infection -Release factions -maybe reset survival to 1.13 (give it a couple more months) -Fix ranks in shop (titan tank is...