Why does everyone keep saying this lol. Survival won’t be resetting till later do to 1.13 issues. Please read the announcements
Psssst @Noobcrew @Bman Fixxxxxxx
Yes mineverse is very dead, that’s why over 30 thousand players have joined in the past year. Very dead
You for some reason cannot access the end via warps or end portals. I suggest now would be a good time to reset the end with a new seed? If not...
I’m not a big fan of kit PvP but I’m pretty sure it’s not kit PvP if one kit is more overpowedered then the rest, cause everyone would just use...
Just a tad off topic but can you add sheep, rabbit, and chicken spawners to the shop on survival since breeding is very difficult. Thanks boocrew <3
Hey @Noobcrew or @Bman idk if you’ll get this but for the meantime can you add sheep, chicken and rabbit spawners to the shop on survival since...
And thank you for considering these ideas! I figured 1.13 would be a little weird so I guessed survival wouldn’t be resetting for some time but as...
Anyone else ever hit this? xD In case you can't see it, if you try to post something with over 15,000 characters it wont post. Lol Has that...
SHOP There are a few problems with the shop. One as @StrKillr pointed out, the shop has no 1.9 and up items. It should sell 1.9, 1.12, and 1.13...
(If I took the time to type this, you can take the time to read it xD) Introduction...
Hey Noobcrew, need someone to help build maps? I’m a great builder, just give me a job and I can do it :)
You see this a lot when factions resets. Basically the day before factions ends, god gear is super cheap and people are selling everything and...
It’s fixed
Noobcrew, survival and prisons is offline, can you turn them back on please boo <3
Super excited. “Phase 3” should be fixing up the ranks in the shop. Just keep up the good work even after all the phases and everything should be...
Same but I might as well try
I got tons of voter keys on op prison and a couple commons, if anyone would like to trade stuff on survival for them, let me know. I am looking...
Title says it all. Is there updates or are they just down, broken or what? (Mod can delete this post once they are back online <3)