SIXXXXX (oml we're getting somewhere)
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: CandyGirl978 The offender's exact ingame name:...
100% changing to support. You are outgoing and willing to talk to people. Although you maybe not be nice at times, I think you'd still make a...
lol yea
Are you for real? Calling someone that then applying not much later is unacceptable. 1 week is not enough time to completely change an attitude...
IGN: CandyGirl978
yes pleaseeee re support :P
Did you review your app for the grammar? There are so many well as detail? I am afk sometimes when you're on but I do see it. You...
Hai Duckie :) Although you are my friend I am going to go with a no support: -You seem to be rude time to time to other players (not myself) -Work...
A lot of people don't do that... thank you :P
Congrats to the winners...a popular giveaway too!
dont leave :( im thinking about it shouldn't though. ty for the follow :)
Support... makes life a whole lot easier
it really shows her highlight
@masa lol
I am not on GTA or on anything when you're on...can you PM me on here if I win? (lol not likely but)
i changed the picture to kylie because why not :P
CandyGirl978 maybe a blue background? :P