bye for good.
I'm quitting Mineverse for good. Just thought I would check in only today. idk why. I'll miss you!
Hi! :)
Shireen <3
I don't get how what u did made her get demoted. Did you say what u said thT made her get demoted. I'm really confused
true dat. well said well said *applause*
xcuse me? I am very educated so why didnt u correct me...
Never dyed my hair before.....
honestly i dont even know why "you have been banned for the following reasons: rules violations" ??? what rule violations?? @nd Pile pms me...
uh thats not appropriate. its like yall are brain washed
for Halloween my friend wants to be earth, wind, and fire with Bailey and me... -.-
you're cover isnt appropriate if you can't already tell...just saying
noi just set a random video as my signature ;)
wow i didnt win. knew it. and i didnt ven have weird stuff in mine. plus i dont have money for any rank or account whateverr
you wont be missed...if u know what i mean... also gee wiz thx for thanking me on how amazingly amazing i am! :(
we should play together
me too haha
Okay so once upon a timed long ago there was a castle. Inside lived a royal family who were all amputees. They didnt know what amputees were but...
Yes!!!!!!! very cute!