[spoiler] If you played Prison and Infection in 2014 I suppose. I've got a few OpPvP shots but the map's barely changed so no point in posting it....
where u at, prison's waiting
+1 Yes please.
That command has always been glitch-y is what I mean. You've missed a vote but you're still first at 78 votes as of this post.
Obviously someone's voting people off (as usual), but as long as you're on the voter list when the admin checks in 5 days you'll be golden. They...
Sexy rank there my dude ;)
Gg, it's official :)
Seems more like a Discussion than a suggestion. I agree with you. It is what it is - if the server is dead and merely propped up by the nostalgia...
Apparently top voters are determined by the command /topvotes and not by looking at the voting pages at the end of the day (which up till now I...
That command is news to me. Then it is clear that as much as we complain nothing can be done. And looking back this is not the first time the...
Yes, the last link being obsolete is what I am saying. If the votes were tallied using the first and second links the highest would still be 60...
He is correct. Going by vote.mineverse.com and vote2.mineverse.com (org), both lists show(ed) the top 10 players as having 30 votes for each website.
Neither the original Prison or the most recently reset version of it will return - it will always be a fresh start (with a new map). The same goes...
Mmm yes, you have lost this poke war.
Good idea. You have my vote. Only "problem" is if an AFK is alpha, and still gets the level even by doing nothing.
actually, less than 2-3 months. Support. Or just add more prestiges and use your suggestion along with it.