My in-game name: Accounter Opponent's in-game name: Angela0307 Rule: Glitch Abusing Proof: [ATTACH]
Hey guys, I've seen alot of people gets out of epearls, so I thought of this: Epearls in shop. But other people liked it in a kit more, so maybe...
My in-game name: Accounter Opponents in-game name: ItsMantasLTU Rule: Racism Proof:[ATTACH]
Hello guys, I came up with a new idea; 10+ reports till you can apply. I see that alot people put on Applications: Do more reports. So I...
Your in-game name: Accounter Opponents in-game name: Robisgreat10 Rule: Swearing Proof:
Beforehand: Hello everyone, my name is Levis, well known as levispouwen, FadeFun or Accounter. Welcome to my Moderator Application! I am a boy of...
I was bored, so I googled some pictures and I come with this. [IMG]
My in-game name: Accounter Opponents in-game name: DanDeDonut Rule: Spamming Proof:[ATTACH]
My in-game name: Accounter Opponents in-game name: ImJaell Rule: Inappropriate language and spamming Proof: [ATTACH]
My in-game name: Accounter Opponents name: __GetOnMyLevel__ Rule: Inappropriate language Proof: [ATTACH]
^^^ It's pretty annoying because whenever they join or leave a gamemode, it says "[PlayerName] has joined Mineverse! Even when they left it, it...
First of all, credits to @RandomNinja14 to bring this up, and @Exstatisfy for reminding me that this exists. :> Let's start, I think. It all...
Hey guys, whenever you close an application, you're allowed to rate messages, please delete this!!
Please reset Skyblock, people get stuff for a VERY low price so they will get a very good island in a very short term. Why should it be resetted?...
Is it normal that Infection has resetted?
Comment and I'll say what I think about you. Credits to el awesome @Bailxy
My ign: Accounter Their ign: Bbox1738 Rule: Death Threats Proof: [ATTACH]
Because they haven't replied to my mail for 2 weeks, I'd have to post it on here: My in-game name: Accounter Rank you lost: God Proof: [IMG] and...
I've been on BedWars and I saw that you aren't enabled to do /stats, but on some other servers you are, so why not add it too? What would it do?...
Hello, please reset Infection! I think Infection should get a reset for the following reasons. Alot of people gets resetted, so it'll be pretty...