My in-game name: Accounter Offender's in-game name: Castor5Mathis Rule: Advertising Proof: [ATTACH]
My in-game name: Accounter Offender's in-game name: TK_PvpKiller Rule: Offensive Lanuage Proof:[ATTACH] do it please, or u'll hurt my feelings
Your ingame name: Accounter The offender's exact ingame name: superboy20050 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: offensive...
Your ingame name: Accounter The offender's exact ingame name: jojo2005 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Inappropriated...
Your forums account name: Accounter The offender's forums account name (link to profile): Seleziona A description of what rule they broke/how they...
my voice is stfu'd up, but mkay
My ign: Accounter Their ign: TheBudderNinja1 Rule: Inappropriate language Proof: [ATTACH] @Dewster
My in-game name: Accounter Their in-game name: ThatsSoSealy Rule: Spamming Proof:[ATTACH]
My in-game name: Accounter Their in-game name: Koirah and StaySarcastic Rule: Spamming Proof: [ATTACH]
My in-game name: Accounter Opponents full in-game name: TurbidGaming Rule: Inappropriate Language Proof: [ATTACH]
My in-game name: Accounter Opponents in-game name: ItzJacqPvP_YT Rule: Advertising Proof: [ATTACH]
I can't find any of my older introductions, so I decided to make a new one. :) My name is Levis (WHUT NO REALLY!?!?!?) and I am currently 14...
My in-game name: Accounter Opponents exact full in-game name: Coxal Rule: Inappropriate and discrimination messages. Proof: [ATTACH]
I'm joining the trend, comment if you want one. :lurk::lurk::lurk::lurk::lurk::lurk:
My in-game name: Accounter Opponents in-game name: NeedyGinger Rule they have broke: Racist messages. Proof/evidence: [ATTACH]
My in-game name: Accounter Opponents in-game name: Fraser_ Rule: Advertising for his/her server. Proof:[ATTACH]
'Ello guys, Some of you might know that spawnkilling is very annoying, right? But with kits it makes it even worse. The kits of Supreme and above...
Hey guys, today I've decided to quit till my exams are done. That isn't the onliest reason too though, I've looked very immature after posting the...
This is so funny [MEDIA] Sorry for all the chinese people.