Hey everyone, I've seen something (pretty) annoying on OPPrison, which is the sell-sign. When you're mining deep in the mine, you have to do...
hey everyone, mi nam is levis and i want to bekom a modetator on this coel serfer plies gif me a chans i need it, i am a homeless kid.. plies i...
Hey all, as you might know the current maps on Infection are soo big and too human-biased, so my suggestion is to add the old maps back, such as...
Hey guys, I'd like to suggest something very cool: Unscrambling How does it work? In the picture below, you see that it says [Reaction] Hover...
Hey all, I've some suggestions that I found to be added. 1) /sell hand This command is basically that you sell everything of that resource you...
Hey guys, today I wanted to suggest a new command for skyblock: /block. I've seen this on another server, and found it very useful. There are alot...
^^ title says all.
1. Real name: Levi 2. Nickname: Levis 3. Favorite color: Orange and Black 4. Gender: Male 5. Nationality: Belgian 6. Age: 14 7. Sexuality: 8....
Hello, Today me and my friend (Carrasco_) wanted to play some skyblock, but with some reason it didn't work for him. I invited him to my island,...
Title says everything, it's quite annoying when you're trying to 1v1 right there. Everywhere are holes. Okay yes.
[ATTACH] Look @CypriotMerks , I found your clone. Aren't you proud of yourself that you have a pig in your family when you are a sheep? this is a...
I was looking for some staff, with the command /staff, and this happened. [ATTACH] Is it down or something?
Hello Mineverians, I'm a addicted UHC player, which means I play UHC alot. And my idea was, why can't we have it too? So yes, hear is the...
CLICKBAIT hah fail m9 comment for tbh...
Hey hey, On opfactions, I did /kit God and got alot of Diamonds, and I saw that there is only a 1-sell sign for Diamonds in the shop, so I came...
Hey there, I just started playing OPFactions, and I wanted to grind skeletons and blazes, but I saw you couldn't buy them in the shop. So my idea...
Hello there, Today I was hanging 'n chilling in Infection and I saw some things that could be removed/changed. If you support some suggestions,...
My in-game name: Accounter Their in-game name: TwelviePvP Rule: Advertising Proof: [ATTACH]
My in-game name: Accounter Their in-game name: TwelviePvP Rule: Advertising Proof:
My in-game name: Accounter Their in-game name: FlickMyBean Rule: I dont know if it's bannable, but they told me it was: Using a pickaxe to kill....