thank u 4 the bump :) thanks 4 support Added, thanks for ur input
A limit would be fine, mainly wanting the limit to be increased because 100 on a max island is pathetic, thanks for ur feedback ikr ^^^
neutral other suggestions had better ideas
neutral, prims suggestion is alot better, and does not max out as soon.
Support, fully agree with that 2 @Acceptation opened ikr, thanks for the support thanks for the support, and all your feedback.
lol no support reaons stated above
thanks 4 the support ikr
Should log on sb then, don't even need to most people on this thread hate the update lol I wouldn't lag when I was adding anything to my island,...
thanks for ur feedback. Everyone on sb hates it, wouldn't be surprised if it was reverted. Thanks for ur support @ganting also thanks for ur...
Ikr @Noobcrew thanks for the support, mine also lags alot more, and produces nothing for all the lag I have to go through
96 is much to small for a maxed island, should be alot higher. I get the limit on normal sized islands, not on the maxed sized ones that people...
ikr same thx for support
rip people with big cash money farms thanks 4 support
revert this update
fr reset long overdue
^^ no support, rent explains it perfectly
yea, you definitely believe that, enough to make an entire thread ab it lmaoo Won't bring anyone back? If anything its grown since the beginning...
wrong spot lol
neutral other pk map is better
fr fr