Don't know that map :P Sorry. And yeah, the background.
Ok xD good LOL you got me. And sure. What would you like in it?
... Ok then xD
Oh... Likes?
What do you mean? :P
A profile picture?
No support. Sorry! Never seen you in-game Never seen you in forums Fairly new member, maybe wait until you've been here for longer Not enough...
Oh ok... I'm going to need your IGN then, and a preference for what you want to be in it :) and if you want a friend in it, then I'll need their...
Wow. People have been replying to my moderator application since I changed my profile picture. Yay blender xD
xD Thanks :)
OMG that profile picture LOL! Nice xD
Ok. Thanks!! :D
Oh, ok. That would probably be why - those are the gamemodes that lag me due to bad internet. If you check then you'd see that I can't go on all...
:O I always knew you were an amazing builder... But wow. Just wow. Support to the fullest.
Ok, thanks. And just asking out of curiosity about never seeing me- what gamemodes do you play usually? Also I removed the tags :P But thanks for...
Thanks. Ok, thanks. Anything I can do to change that to a support?
Thanks Reborn ;) Thanks :) I apreciate it :) Thanks heaps :) Thanks Scorvix :) Oh nice!! And thanks again What did he do? :p Thanks so much...
Ok, thanks!! I'll try to be more active :)