Hey everyone, Quick announcement - We have just updated the official rules. Please make sure you review them and are aware of the new changes and...
Here are the top voters for the month of April. 1) __DarkFire__ 60 Votes [IMG] 2) MachoSauce 60 Votes [IMG] 3) andrewdavid475 59 Votes...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: The offender's exact ingame name: A description of...
Here are the top voters for the month of March. 1) Qatarrr 62 Votes [IMG] 2) Nautical_Nate 61 Votes [IMG] 3) andrewdavid475 61 Votes [IMG]...
Here are the top voters for the month of February. 1) MachoSauce 55 Votes [IMG] 2) JakelStraya 55 Votes [IMG] 3) SirTax 54 Votes [IMG]...
Here are the top voters for the month of January. 1) SwagMasterLogen 62 Votes [IMG] 2) __DarkFire__ 62 Votes [IMG] 3) Scorvix 62 Votes...
Happy New Year! Here are the top voters for the month of December. 1) chaust 60 Votes [IMG] 2) MachoSauce 60 Votes [IMG] 3) JakeIStraya...
*apologies for the delay* Here are the top voters for the month of November. 1) Zulfqar 63 Votes [IMG] 2) Scorvix 62 Votes [IMG] 3)...
*apologies for the delay* Here are the top voters for the month of October. 1) __DarkFire__ 62 Votes [IMG] 2) Respect_The_Lei 62 Votes [IMG]...
Here are the top voters for the month of September. 1) Six00 50 Votes [IMG] 2) __DarkFire__ 50 Votes [IMG] 3) SirTax 50 Votes [IMG]...
Here are the top 10 voters for the month of August. 1) ImSn0k3n (now zKMS) 58 Votes [IMG] 2) SirTax 58 Votes [IMG] 3) TheLastQuincy 58...
Here are the top 10 voters for the month of July. 1) Vezf 60 Votes [IMG] 2) TheLastQuincy 58 Votes [IMG] 3) Ghost_Linxs 54 Votes [IMG]...
Was tagged by @bayisbae , and @archerexpert777 1. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? Open 2. DO YOU TAKE THE SHAMPOOS AND...
Hey everyone, A couple months ago, I kept debating whether or not to create my own fanmade trailer for MV since I noticed that the server didn’t...
Before I start this thread off, I just want to let you all know that this is all from personal experience and that I’m speaking on what I like to...
100 Questions [IMG] 1. Real name: Janice 2. Nickname: Don't really have one but some of my irl friends call me Ja-nice-nice 3. Favorite color:...
Hey all, For those of you who play Skywars, there is at least one starting chest on each island. However, on one of the islands on a Snow Map,...
Let's make a change. This thread was created and written to help people understand what are the effects of cyber-bullying, and why it is so wrong...