I’m late but happy birthday bb
Thread locked for failure to adhere to forum rules and responsibilities. If you disagree with this action, please report this post, and a...
I support this!
Hi Dusty, Unfortunately, since this incident occurred outside of Mineverse’s discord, we cannot do anything. As for your attached images, we...
Rent is not following you
hi kiwi, welcome!
Respectfully, prison is better. :disguised:
three L
And what if I don’t want to?
L Bozo
No support.
I understand where you’re coming from :). Titan’s used to have a lot of perks :(, and /heal ** is the only perk exclusive to Titan’s. I just hate...
You do realize you will still be able to heal yourself if /heal ** is removed? I am simply suggesting that we remove the ability that lets...
I’m neutral. :slightsmile: You’re active on survival. :frowning: Your application has many grammatical errors. :frowning: This bit seems...