LMAO what, the hackers on bedwars here are all easy. A team of hackers vs old MV BW players. The old MV BW players would win no sweat.
Kenju I'm gonna ask you to come back on this forums page, and I'm gonna ask you politely cause I'm nice, to upload a video.
Reason MV bed wars players left is because BW never had anything new added so we found no reason to stay. BedWars is amazing on other servers...
Support you're amazing and should get staff now.
Aren't you from BionicMC's server...
PrestonPlayz’s YouTube Channel
Support. I would want this for god but you are right. Titans need a few more perms to make this rank worth buying.
You have enough time to post this but not enough time to make a video ;-;
Well known but I never heard of you lol
Banned cause your name is BertBerry
Banned cause why not :p
Banned for judging my name lol :p
Banned for terrible puns
Banned for having an amazing pfp
Bye Dad. You will be missed, but can you post a video? I'm still waiting on that.
Kyraaaaa I’m back :D
Congrats on SrMod noob