@Nightfire @larrythebird101 Please close this Moderator Application. I have some personal reasons on why I have quit this application.
No Support. My reasons and suggestions are already stated by other members.
I know that you are pretty active in-game, but I still do want you to be just a little bit more active and get more message counts. It lets other...
No Support. My suggestions are perfectly stated by NoobCupCake. Good luck.
No Support. Suggestions: Add more information. Fix grammar related errors. Be more active on the Forums. Good luck.
Neutral. Suggestions: Add more information. Be more active on the Forums. Good luck!
Neutral. Good luck! :D
Exactly. Thanks for your Support.
Thank you so much for your Support :D It is difficult to find unclaimed land, so I thought this command might help out many players.
Nop, I follow along xD Gotta post em' all
^^ You should know. You have been bumping all the old threads xD Anyways, Hi der
Hi for the post count.
Hi there, I guess xD
Even though you will never reply to this... Hi :)
Hai der :D
Thanks for your Support!
No Support. You are still quite rude to other players. You have also recently griefed towns in Survival. I don't and can't see you as a Mod.