Been a long time, eh?
-cough cough- Saitama x Genos -cough counqeruigurgnaenguerhgurre-
League is fun 3.3
and hi :D
oomagurd erased is so good. I liek it
It's so late but watching Erased at the moment, and I'm real happy I actually got to it.
Is One Punch Man a comedy. One of my friend keeps telling me to watch it o3o
Clannad. I can't even. ;-;
:o Haven't talked to you in awhile. How are you! :D What anime are you watching at the moment? :3 <3
Hello, it's me. I was wondering if after all these weeks you would like to talk~
Maple memories are the best <3
Oh. whut. Mod. ok. Gratz :)
Wanna download Hearthstone... maybe
Hay. Gratz. For. 4 months. 10 days. Ye.
Dood, haven't seen you in a while ^.^... if you still remember me o.o
No more follows? ~cries~
Pfft, remember me. Yea? No? Ok.
Got back into playing Maplestory... now I'm addicted again.
MOBAs are fun :3