XD dis boi He was told they didn't work on Mineverse, but then he just ignores that and thinks Survival is super different XD Your a really...
Yep, sometimes you need to open the chest by actually clicking on the chest instead of the sign.... Did you change your name? Your not suppose...
Okay I support the mob coins but still no support on the f warp EDIT: I support all now since I see that you have changed it.
Go on the shop type in his ign then buy him a tp to spawn its free
Mob coins isn't really needed And f warp should only have 1 warp
support xD @Dark Moon nice job with that type of bump from Aug 8,2014 to Aug 30,2016
I support all of it EXCEPT The MobCoins and F warp which I No Support
I see what you mean Support
Trust Issues bud, I don't see you as an owner of a 350+ player server daily.
Maybe not a problem with me, but why won't you go run a server with a few hundred people on daily and then just trust people out of nowhere. You...
What? So you want more admins basically? No support
Neutral I agree with this Just make it where only Reports in the Banned section.
No support You want the owners from trusting 2 people to trusting over 12 people XD. That is not going to happen and really is not the choice of...
Please DONT fill out the template, by the way your app will be ignored. No support
XD This would be denied to become a member of Mineverse. No support