? You know that all gods and Titans easily get eggs all the time...
Well why would you post right when you just became active, you should have waited and having more posts shows you probably have more knowledge...
C'mon now it is still pay to win becuase of the Donor kits... I think the best way to deal with this is by 1. Making the egg slightly weaker, but...
So I have been working on becoming one of your staff members, xD, do you even still have a moderator application???? To tell you the truth and...
I don't think they should be removed, but they definitely should be nerfed.
No Support 92 Posts is hardly anything, I recommend to atleast have 500 posts before making a good, detailed application. Get active on forums...
"Because i have played many games with more and more hackers and i had to sit there and play with them" Maybe go report them with your ice cream...
No support Reasons stated bud
No Support Nice application, but get active both In Game and in Forums. I am pretty sure 2FA is still capable of being able to turn on no matter...
No need for a Flame war I am just saying this application is automatic no in terms of Requirements and the creator didn't even post back/reply to...
Really @lovely This was a dead app, but you wanted +1 post No support
1 Month ban No appeal 3 month ban No Appeal 6 month ban appeal lifetime no appeal (on lifetime it would be an ip ban)
Support These are some fun
Neutral I agree with the gm3 in general so then it is not possible
It is pretty hard to get money back due to some people might abuse it by giving the money to an alt or a friend, but the only way is to email