Neutral Some of these look like its a problem with the map?
Truuuu No Supprt A perm mute should be the 3RD STRIKE. For the 2nd strike 1 week mute no appeal 1st strike is a warning or a 1 day mute no...
Suchtryhard it was a report you don't need to rate it since it was in archives
Please don't put a disagree since it is already on the archives
Your forums account name: speedybuilder100 The offender's forums account name (link to profile): Krafty A description of what rule they broke/how...
Any picture is fine just make sure you have the correct link. If it says [IMG]
If you used the McLeaks Authenticator switch back to normal MC
When I press it, it does nothing at all. I still get notifications about that person, please fix. Cough Jas0n cough.
I don't get that bad of lag. Like I see so many people saying it is a potato. And it isn't the best or anywhere close to Great, but it is okay....
No support It just looks like something would be good if it was 2013... Try to use more blocks and texture
Support That's a joke right XD, the current one looks horrible, that small area with that many players (not any more lol).
No Support Not a bad idea, but not a fan of the judges. plus the rewards are kind of OP. Not many people will compete, maybe a few more than...
I think they should just invis. potion or gm 3.... Then they would be able to recieve messages about hackers on at the same time + hidden, its a...
But still it was a huge FACEPALM when that happen.
Dat boi
Tell you the truth that is pretty sad on how bad you missed that jump...
I think you can buy a tp to spawn.
1st Your allowed to have Alts so technically if your primary account is not banned then your aren't breaking the rules. 2nd idk