No support Wow this was a great app. if you were applying for a single player server
I don't really care much, and they probably aren't going to be used a lot
Support I didn't know they had a command like this
That is why I said in general... And when you applied 4 months in your were probably 200+ messages. I would say extra stuff but it is not needed ;)
No support Reasons stated
Tbh Anyone computer really worth 500+ can run minecraft...
A combination of the Great Wall of china and the trump wall of america
No support Not active enough on forums. 142 messages in 5 months is not good. 5 months in general is not enough experience. On weekends, try to...
DeathAuras became numero uno
No support It's okay kid your bad jk you just ignorant
No support I highly doubt you even have 2fa on
This goes against EULA. If you didn't know donor kits should be removed. No support
Lol No server has a 24/7 mod.
Yeah, I'm sorry but some of the MV mods aren't the most cautious people. People do make mistakes.
1.Gay is censored because you have those haters who will start throwing that word out left and right. And not being mean or anything, but...
Well Technically speaking It is more than a sign up a volunteer, to be a mod you need the time. That's why many step down. It is technically...
No support Easily a glitch, no system is good enough to tell the difference between a server ip and a hi.there.mineverse:6969