Yea you kinda were im 12 and my voice is still lower then yours xD. Naw i jk mayn ily <3
Best Advice Ever [spoiler]Turn Off hacks nub ;)
WOAH Onion when did you make those old videos?
Dont tell me the drugs got to you to D:
@fendodo are you ok need a therapist or something?
Soo im still older <3
IGN: twiglegs Age: 12 (older then @Texas60527) Your opinion On Your pvp skills are (1/10): 69 Skype? (Yes/No) Yus P.S: if you wanna 1v1 me dont ;)
Sorry for posting but you do realize he probably is busy with irl stuff. Maybe he broke his leg maybe he is sick maybe a relative died my point is...
2 of my irl friends they been naughty im also at their house >:)
I feel ugly now thanks alot. </3
Thanks your nice.
I will try it
Dont be sad you pretty AF.
Is this really glaadiator?