I'll post a spicee one I found on iFunny tomorrow ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
IGN: OverlordTrump Reporting: tacolord Reason: KillAura [MEDIA]
This is specifically why /deny would solve this. --"Dealing with the dude" would require actually killing him, in which case he can bring friends...
First of all, and once again, the problem with enabling pvp in a public warp is the pvp itself. Nobody should have to risk dying to grind xp....
That's not what I mean, though. This is for keeping out specific people. For example, say I want to keep someone from going to my mob grinder...
As we're able to /trust people to our claims to build and edit blocks inside them (just like Creative), we should be able to /claimdeny or /deny...
Banned for being a woman (sexist).
Banned because your name ALSO isn't BertBerry. (also sht youre good with the 'ok' ban)
I rarely make them anyways
That wasn't my meme
Banned for replying
This is simple enough. Just comment a meme or joke. Anything (mostly) is fine. If you don't gimme some of 'em gud memes, Ima Lightning...
How does the whole 'lucky draw' thing work?
You have been temporarily banned for 3w 6d 23h. Reason: Lack of "f"idence (see what I did there? repplekek) Appeal at mineverse.com
@BlueExplorer It seems that all three of my accounts have been bumped to the point that none of them are in the top 10 anymore. I might have to...
I don't know why or how but my connection, which doesn't use a VPN or anything, lets me vote infinitely. I literally voted for names cheese1 to...
<3 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ye I gave him a double L both OP and Kit2
IGN: AllOutHacks Reporting: samm1402jr Reason: KillAura (First vid is the actual thing; Second is of him on OP less than 30 minutes prior {for...
IGN: AllOutHacks Reporting: samm1402jr Reason: KillAura / AutoArmor [MEDIA]