M8 did you fookin take /warp PvP from me? ;-;
I'd still rather have them as a rare than letting everyone openly have them. Kind of ruins the exclusiveness of the elytra.
Dragon egg gives the purpose of bragging rights for having one. Basically same as elytras do
I cri everytim ;-;
Has Pastlee ever made a gud meme?
Splendid meme
Post got deleted in a mod app for being "off-topic" or whatnot so here I am to ask: Is @Pastel ThIcC? [ATTACH]
no she cant
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Fine, I take back my previous statements then. No support, reasons stated by others. <3
No support. Arguing with players isn't what a mod should do Also with majority of people giving no support
Never said it was Monitor Also I replied quickly to the other application because it's Exstatisfy, and she's already been mod and Sr. Mod
I got 2.5k Kit2, 6.7k Kit1, 660k+ GTA, 6.4k OP, etc. Whatchu offering for what bruv
five .
No support. Not active on forums enough and I've seen you hacking on KitPvP2 before
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Boodge = Sux <3