Just support it anyways and make Cyp feel guiltier for ignoring it
Agreed. I just put it as KitPvP since that's where it is needed most and has the most hackers.
@Pastel ikr. Everyone been acting salty and all about me, but simply stated they can't prove anything about alts and crap so that's that, and no...
I still don't see why you continue either, @StrKillr . All my facts are true, and @Boodge IS my brother. Nobody can prove TheThongWasWorn or...
@Sparky once again, @StrKillr is being dumb again. First off, I DO have a brother, and he's right here -> @Boodge Second, what "I", and yes it is...
I can make it orange
About 15 support, 1 neutral-ish, and 1 no support. How about it @Pile @CypriotMerks ?
So really the whole part with D4NTE__ began on his own false assumptions and accusations, which he later admitted.
And yes it was a place (D4NTE__'s) in survival. D4NTE__ and supposedly Str griefed my claim because D4NTE__ thought it was me who griefed his claim.
Actually @Pastel @Connor_ @StrKillr , PleaseEndMe is my brother, which gives the simple explanation that I was LOOKING AT HIS COMPUTER SCREEN....
And if you assume what I did earlier is 'griefing', it isn't and @Connor_ says so. I'm just claiming in unclaimed territory.
Actually I didn't grief 'rockefellercenter' or whatever you call it. Maybe you should've looked at the fact that I could've claimed D4NTE__'s cafe...
@StrKillr after finding out that you griefed my claim with D4NTE__, I'm pretty damn sure you were the one who also caused that hole in the warp....
@StrKillr the death warp part wasn't because of me though. I put in random rtp locations since pvp isn't enabled in claimed spots. Death warp part...
Yea it is, and apparently mods can del warps. i even moved the warp today or yesterday and now I don't own it. so idk which mod or whatever but I...
And why is it in your claim now?
How do I not own it now then?