Nice, this youtuber sounds cool! :)
I like Bajan too!
Nice Ares! :D
Thats ok :)
Nice man :D
lucky :3 :'(
Thanks for the feedback :D. It's funny you say that because there WAS a guy who wanted color on my application lol
Thanks man :D I appreciate it!
Try reading my improved mod application. Since you were primarily active on this thread, I'm sure you'd be a good critic for my application :D.
Yea I tried using my best knowledge about mods and how I thought they should be changed, my apologies.
Thanks for the info guys
So explain to me why I saw TannerLittles character name yellow...
I know who the owners are, I'm only talking about the moderators
Well you have to know whether they're staff or not.
There is also dark red that is available
Because premium ranked players are already yellow
I know :D
Yesterday, I was playing in skywars and saw the Moderator TannerLittle. His username was yellow, just like a premium ranked player's username. I...
That's ok :)