Thx :-)
I posted a suggestion a few minutes ago, and now I have another one. When reporting a player, the new template states you have to write their...
This suggestion is to prevent hunger in the Skywars Lobby. Many players, who don't play skywars, tend to run around the lobby for satisfaction,...
My Forums Name: JayDaMiner Offender's Forums Name: Doesn't have one, but MC name is Dymderce. Rule Broken: Advertisement, Constantly Spamming,...
ho ho ho
Happy Birthday ;D
hey Acii, long time no see :)
That awkward moment when you kill ExplodingTNT in Hunger Games on his own server in front of 50 people '-'
My Forums Name: JayDaMiner Their Forums Name: Don't believe that they have one, but ingame name is __Tiger__. Description: In the Skywars lobby,...
Why do the 9 year olds always hate me on mc ;-;
Real Madrid is gonna win the Champions League :3
who r u @utdrebeka O_o
Thanks Guys!
I might change my name to FC_James!
Ronaldinho is good as well!
I've always thought Parkour was a freestyle thing :'D. Besides that, awesome!
You got that right Man! :D