I have items in my shop chest I rechecked my chest shop with /item info I did everything. but when someone trys to buy any of my picks or god...
is this real money? if so how would we pay you?
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] i fixed most of the out doors part but he destroyed rollor coaster and my x13 beacon tower too
Now HE GETS ON AGAIN AND SOMEHOW GRIEFS MY PLOT :drowning::drowning::drowning::drowning::drowning::drowning::drowning::drowning:
restart your MC
I'm going to be less active on facs until my OP prison craze dies down.
I fond a megalodon tooth at the beach :O
ah (it would take me longer : P )
idk books
"santa cant make electronics" "santa cant make stuff above 20$" my parents say ;-;
yea I know that fact but do you know if this was a ddos because apparently other people have had problems with him like this.
ok some eye
wuuut??? we need 60 votes to get a dp on opprison now???