1: D1amondF1nder11 2: oddivar13 3: scamming 4:[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
many people in my school still do that. now please lets just stop now.
/\ /\ /\ by the way I don't use a lap top my t.v. is my monitor so I'm like 10 ft away from the screen and the brightness doesn't reach my key board.
Alright lets stop this flame war, you said no support and that's your opinion, thank you for your opinion.
That's not poor grammar its called typing in the dark.
And even if I did swear in chat, right here right now I could go look on some popular persons profile and see some mod or guard curse to be funny...
I don't see how I am using poor grammar in that sentence. Also I said "I may be mistaken" so I'm not technacly accusing you.
Support!!! but one thing "Prestige twelve: Possibly two eggs, but everytime you suicide/die you respawn with two more eggs?" this /\ /\ /\ once...
Ok please give me an example of how I use swear words in chat, this was over 8 months ago. Also I only use poor grammar when messaging my buds....
my third idea would benefit you to.
"a big gap between Active Member and Well-Known Member." you say this but yet you have do solution to it in your suggestion except lower...
your profile pic is out of date.
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