Hi there, Bobo! I'm sorry but there really isn't anything you can do for this.. I'd suggest creating a new plot or changing your name back. I...
kinda weird you haven't seen me on forums i must say, I'm always on forums especially in the -help- section. There are over thousands of users...
hi, have you read my updated app? I believe i added more details to my gamemodes that i play. I play currently 6 game modes which is actually a lot.
not saying this is fake but it is possible to be a fake screenshot you can right click the page "Inspect elements" in, "Google Chrome" and you are...
thank you for helping him, that was so nice of you!
good job, just be very patient. If you contacted [email protected] you will get your package reset and that may work for you, "Hopefully!"
my forum name: StarQueenAlexia offenders forum name: Valixta Rule broke: Disrespecting Link:...
grammar has no affect on a moderator app, sorry that i reported your friend for offensive language but that does not make me rude in-game (: Have...
I support this 100% I think it would be amazing to have a youtube rank.
Hi, Wbc51702 Firstly: Take a full screenshot of you having the rank in another game mode. Secondly: Take another full screenshot of you not...
post your thread here http://www.mineverse.com/forums/bugs-exploits.28/ or try to contact [email protected]
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: EliteArcher Rule Broken: Offensive Language Evidence: http://prntscr.com/ahh9yy
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: Ezeos Rule broke: Offensive language/disrespecting Evidence: http://prntscr.com/ahggqj
under your post it should give you the option to delete you do not need to tag every single moderator online.
you really need to stop harassing me ceru. one report on you for using serious offensive language and you stalk everything i do on forums,...
advertising? This is off topic and i have no idea what you're talking about please be respectful
i'm glad you appreciate how helpful i am and the hard work i put into this server
hey, have you ever read my moderator application? I'm online 14-15 hours a day every day c: