@Imperturbable_ thank you
-really sick- going to be admitted to hospital probably in a few days because of my lung disease so it's going to suck being gone :c
I'm sure cyp will be more in welcome to help you get your rank! Just do as, "Dyna_mighty" had said. Some information you might be asked to...
hi, EliteArcher your friend will need to send proof of rank and maybe even perhaps proof of payment to [email protected] also is it just one...
hi, CotnerM! I am glad you are helping your friend out, how ever i think he should report this himself and please take a better "Full ScreenShot"...
Email [email protected] you may be asked proof of your old in-game name a long with proof of payment! How ever i think you should still have...
hi, YourDarude! Sorry you are having this issue really isn't anything you can do you can try contacting [email protected] like i said there...
Support, I'd recommend another option though where you can toggle it off and on if a user doesn't want to be poked or not (:
i love how thorraks rate abuses me no reason to dislike what so ever lol
Tag myself: @StarQueenAlexia My nickname to represent me in: Alexia My Gender: Female Tag 3 people: @Bay_Leaf @Valixta @Sheshy101
i do, there are just too many photos to take i'd rather show a tour of the house which would be so much easier (:
Selling my house in survival for 2 mill! Comes with a small pet breeding area, blaze rod farm/shop and everything inside the house you see...
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: PugLife_Cameron Rule Broken: Offensive/inappropriate language Evidence:...
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Names: Kharpzorz * DrPepperThief Rule Broken: Advertising Evidence http://prntscr.com/ahsxbz...
hi, Rhythm Skelly! Very common issue, First off it's because of your name change. Since you changed your name that plot now belongs to your old...
I'd suggest reading other threads before posting. This has been posted numerous of times already.. Contact [email protected] this is a...
@JennPlayzMc hope you are too! (:
-Support- you already have really good experience and i'm shocked at reasons you were banned before, "death threats" you are so cutee and...
yeah a lot of users aren't noticing that part (: Thanks i appreciate it.
thanks for reply, once again i play 6 game modes which is a lot.. being more active is kinda hard since i literally play 15 hours a day every day!