Please close, In other words I know I'm not ready for this job
Very sorry about that, I will try to master not bypassing the filter Bump
No support Good luck
Okay, I will try to. Thank you
Support Good luck
Support Good luck lad
I'm staying with netrual 1st of all you need more information & detail for your application, go look at the accepted applications. But don't copy...
I support if I didn't already Very mature and knowledge in-game & forums Good luck my friend
No support
Always keep er going..
9+10 = 19 ... SIKE 21
Twenty one followers :3
It makes you paralyzed and you have to stay in a "iron lung" 24/7 for weeks, months, maybe years. Search up a iron lung on the Internet
When you just read a book about polio
Support Good luck :)
Nailed it