No support Never seen you in-game App not detailed enough Please fix grammar and spelling
Neutral Have never really seen you in-game Add a little more detail
No support Little detail Get more known and active in-game and on forums Fix up grammar and spelling
@Elrak it's named after a band I like :p And @Duplexy I say sorry cause I change my name often and for people who don't keep up with my forums...
Ok, thankyou Thanks :P Ok, thankyou Will do :D Ok :)
Please take note of my recent name changes. I have seen you ingame very recently.
Support! Add a tiny bit more info about why a good moderator would require your skills Become more known on the forums Good luck :D
For sure, thanks! I'll try to improve my activeness and in the meantime can you please check in every now and then to see if you are up to the...
Ok, thankyou :) Any way I could get your full support?
May I ask why? I did ask in my app to not just leave 'no support' without explaining why :)
Neutral You're very nice and helpful ingame Add more detail regarding the reasons that you want to be a moderator Add some traits that would...
Thank you :D Thanks a heap :D
Neutral I see you often on infection Add more detail (eg. why a moderator needs traits such as yours)
No support You need way more detail Try to put a little colour or bold into your headings and such You arent active on the forums Good luck :D
Support You're very friendly and funny online :) Your app is very detailed and well layout The only thing I could suggest improving is being...
Neutral You need to add more detail regarding your traits. Suggest why these traits you possess would lead you to being a good mod and what it...
No support You aren't taking your application very seriously. If you want to be mod, you'll have to take your job seriously
No support I'm afraid. You're not active enough, I've never seen you online and you're not that active on forums There isn't enough detail...
I've changed my name again I'm so sorry ;( I was sick of explaining why I named myself that tho. New name is GlassAnimals
Support, you deserve another shot. You'd make a good mod...again! hahah xD