No support
Actual app goals. Good luck :>
Haha thankyou! One done one to go :3
Only got two exams this week. What is life? :o
No support Add more detail Use colour Gain activeness
No support Your app is not very formal Try adding some bold and colour to make it stand out You are a new member, gain activeness Much more...
Use the reply button to reply to messages
Neutral, get more active on the forums and in-game :D
No support not enough detail I have never seen you online You're a new member Good luck :D
Also, you can't be 15 if you're born in June of 2001
No support add more info regarding why you think you should be a mdoerator improve activeness Good luck! :D
support, your application is great and you come off as a really good person. Good luck!
Support, great app!
Haha all good :) Sorry that you think that
I appreciate your feedback. But I am very confused on some matters that you have suggested in improving. You said things to improve on was word...
Neutral, I'd suggest just adding a bit more information to each trait, especially responsibility Good luck :D
Hi! I'll be back for a little and will hopefully be on this afternoon!
Ok, I am trying my best to improve activity. I have exam block this week so I may not be on for a little Ok Thankyou :) Alright Please state...
I'm sorry for being so inactive. I will be taking a break for around a month or so. Sorry for letting y'all down
Support! You're very nice and active both in-game and on forums App is very detailed Don't worry if you make a few grammatical errors! You're...