It could be time zone differences as for the reason you have never seen me. Also, I haven't been on for a week due to me being away, but I will...
*to lol
Support! You're a great person to chat too and you're so nice :D
Neutral Haven't seen you in ages Use higher modality words
Forums or in-game?
I mentioned, I am quite sure, somewhere in my application that I did not want people saying that. Please describe why you are not supporting so...
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I'm sorry that I couldn't reply to them until now. I was away in Townsville for basketball :D
New Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you...
Neutral Never seen you ingame and you aren't very active on the forums
No support It seems as if you joined just to make your application You say on your profile that you're twenty-eight but you say you're 10 here....
Changed my name to DaddyPingu ;)
I've only met one other person .3. I can make that two now :D
Mine tooooooo. Thats awesome :D
Support :D
Whaaaat, is your name Greer?
holidays :DDDDD
I miss you :I
Neutral Never seen you in-game
Neutral Be more active Fix some spelling and grammatical mistakes Good luck :D
No support Add some bold and colour Add more detail Improve activeness