Support all the way dude Although you have been banned your fair share of times, I know you and am sure you have learnt your lesson You speak...
Thank you both :D
No support Never seen you ingame Lack of detail Don't meet the requirements Try to fix grammatical errors and add some colour Good luck
No support You must have 2FA enabled and have over 50 messages You are a new member, maybe come back and apply once you have been on more than 2...
Neutral I'd suggest adding a bit more colour so it stands out more I've never seen you in game, or at least haven't for a while Good luck :)
Thank you :)
Could you give me some reasons why? I will try to improve my activeness Could you please supply some reasons? My computer is being weird with...
I will take that into mind, also please re-read the 2FA section, as I have updated it I'm not sure, but please re-read my 2FA section for more...
No support: 2FA needs to be enabled Lack of detail Never seen you ingame (don't know if that's timezones) Good luck
I will try and enable it, but I went on the the site recently and it didn't let me download it :(
It has been dude
A/N Hi, there! I am aware that this is my third moderator application, and I apologise for anyone who is having trouble following :laughing:....
No support: never seen you in-game very little detail to application
No support your spelling and punctuation is very cringe never seen you online or on forums that much not as detailed as it could be
No support Your application is very little detailed Try adding some bold or colour to make your application stand out to viewers
wow rip me
Sorry for being so inactive lately! I have been super busy ;(